My son says he wants to fight like Daddy. This means I need to make him a fighting jack that pass the minimum armor requirements for the Youth Boffer division. “Armor: Non-Metal” is in Division III, so I will not be making the prie-dieu for this year’s A&S, I am shuffling it to next year when I will have time over the summer to play with wood and hand tools. I’m sure it will be disappointing to Master Charles that the prie-dieu is not my entry this year, but it is still in the queue.

The new plan for Division III is cloth armor for Youth Boffer. I have an A&S entry and Gunther gets to start fighting like Daddy. I love when I kill two birds with one stone. Too bad I can’t kill three birds with one stone: Gunther gets to fight, cloth armor and children’s costuming but that it probably asking for too much.